Monday, April 23, 2018

Living With a Cast

Day by day this is getting better again. Suzie is no longer in pain which is the biggest relief. At first every movement hurt and diaper changes were awful. Our saving grace is that we introduced her to Baby Signing Time videos to help her communicate and learn English and she loves them. She watched them on an iPad at the hospital and had them playing 24/7 for the first few days we were home as she laid on a bean bag chair. She knows several signs (water, more, all done, shoes, eat, etc) and it’s been very helpful. 

However we are so sick of them!! So now that she can be moved without pain we are finding more activities for her to do. We don’t want her to be lying on her back so much and her bottom needs a break in order to avoid sores. Even with her cast, she’s tiny so she still fits in her high chair & stroller and the angle is just right to rest in her walker. Also, we found that by changing out the leg divider on her wheelchair she could fit! This was the best!! She liked it before but now she loves having the freedom to move on her own. She had the biggest smile when she got to ride in it again.
She’s also liking coloring and playing with toys in her high chair.

Today I was able to hold her semi-normally and it was like she was craving it...I had to put the carrier on because she didn’t want to stop and then she fell asleep on me. We both needed it! She’s been kinda cold to me since the hospital. She wants me for all of her needs but won’t hug or kiss me anymore. She gives them to Brian and the kids but not me anymore. Our time today was so precious and I know that we’ll get back to where we were.

Despite this being hard and so disappointing, we have many blessings to count:
- this happened while I’m already on leave from work and able to be home and take care of her
- it didn’t happen while one of the kids was playing with her
- we have great insurance, so far, this will not be a financial burden
- we now know how fragile she is and can get her on the correct treatment and therapy path
- our big kids are extremely understanding and helpful (or at least good at taking care of themselves)
- we have the BEST friends ever! All the texts and messages offering help and encouragement (despite you guys already doing that for the past month!) was overwhelming yet again.

 Shouts out to Jody and Aaron for getting our other car back to our house (it was left at urgent care) and leaving a meal in our fridge which we ate at 11pm when we finally got home on Thursday! Also Bryan for letting our kids have a second home and not having to miss practices, Arlene for taking Addie under your wing on Wednesday and giving Mason a place to hang out after school and Justinand Sarah for taking Mason to his game and bringing him dinner. It made him feel so special and eased our minds and hearts. You all allowed us to be fully present at the hospital for Suzie and we appreciate it more than we can ever say!

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