Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How much does it cost?

Everyone is always curious about how much international adoption costs. The majority is adoption agency fees, but a lot also goes for compiling the dossier. Besides just obtaining certified copies of documents, every thing has to be notarized, then sent to the Secretary of State to be certified and then sent to a courier to deliver to a China Consulate to be authenticated. Each step has various costs, usually a per document fee. 

I tend to be over transparent, so I'm going to let you all know exactly what we've paid so far:

CCAI Application fee$256.25
Background check$28
MN Child abuse check$20
CA Child Abuse check$15
Fingerprints - KLM23
1st CCAI fee4400
Fingerprints - BGM7
CBI & FBI clearance79
Birth certificate - BGM62
Birth certificate - KLM45
Marriage certificate2.5
klm BC certification5
bgm BC certification20
klm passport110
CO authentication (7 docs)35
CO authentication - CBI forms10
Chicago embassy authentication & courier425
Lutheran Family Services (homestudy)170
US Dept of Homeland Security (I-800A)945
SF China Consulate Authentication 31.2
passport photos x 6 sets91.07
CCCWA waiting child translation fee80
2nd CCAI fee3000
Chicago embassy authentication & courier85
CO authentication10
Kids passports processing & photos69.58
Kids passports US dept160
CCCWA fee1480
TBRI class at The Adoption Exchange20
The Children's Hospital pre-adoption review500
3rd CCAI fee3100
post adoption deposit450
BLAS translation fee360
CO court deposit200
Visa pictures15
Visa and courier fees700
Fedex to China35
Next we'll have our travel costs (~$12,000 for all 4 of us) and an orphanage fee of ~$6,000 and a few other misc fees while in China for the adoption registration, notarization, passport, physical, etc. 

That's it...phew!

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