Monday, January 28, 2019

Finally Home!

Suzie needed a blood transfusion so we got a late start coming home, but we made it and have been getting back into the routine of things.

Suzie went back to school today! She’s doing really well and is now off pain meds and seems pretty comfortable most of the time. The worst is at night when she’s stuck in one position. She’s still waking up several times a night. She has two more weeks in her brace and then we can work on regaining strength with water therapy and PT. 

We were able to give her a bath- it had been over 4 weeks since her last real bath! She was scared to be out of the brace, but once in the water she liked it and had clearly missed it. She doesn’t realize that the rods in her legs support them and she doesn’t have to worry about her bones moving if she’s not in the brace. It was amazing to see how straight her little legs are now! Her tibia had a large bump on the shin where her bone broke in October and healed angled. It’s now gone!

We are definitely past the worst and two more weeks with the bulky brace seems like nothing!

blood transfusion

back home, insisting she wasn't going to bed

working on her "laptop" like her sister

back at school!

playing with snow

pizza, for breakfast, in bed

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